Hi, I’m Hassan Yusuff

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An enthusiast of software development. Being an enthusiast lead to my exploration of the field, I always consider myself a ‘forever student’ eager to build projects and stay in tune with the latest IT trends. My work is related to digital solutions that can help to achieve better results. Scroll through my portfolio for more about me.


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my areas of specialty


Frontend Development

Backend Development

Mobile Development

Project Management

My Resume

  • Experience
  • Education
  • Skills

Job Experience

Front-End Developer (Remote)

Resavation - (May 2023 - September 2023)

I Participated as an agile team member in the development of the company's flagship web application, utilizing React, Node.js, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, and Tailwind CSS. My contributions added to the team’s achievement of 1000 early subscribers within its first 3 months of launch. · I also contributed greatly to user-centric interface design, enhancing visual appeal and usability. This front-end and user experience techniques helped improve the website’s visitor retention rate by over 15%. · I was rapidly promoted from junior level to mid-level within the first 2 months of joining the team, due to outstanding performance and demonstrated ability to work effectively within the agile team.

Java & Full Stack Junior Developer (Hybrid)

DataSek IT & ENGR - (April 2022 - September 2022)

I collaborated with developers and designers remotely to transform different admin dashboard wireframes into a dynamic and responsive web application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and React. · I integrated front-end components seamlessly with existing backend systems, involving technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and RESTful APIs for real-time data exchange and updates, and this was done using over 4000 datasets. · I also developed and maintained services using Spring Boot, focusing on creating robust, scalable microservice architectures. I applied best practices in Spring Security for authentication and authorization, alongside Spring Data JPA for efficient database operations. The website has not experienced any form of breach till date

Responsive Web Developer (Onsite)

Aptech (January 2021 - December 2021)

I delivered comprehensive software engineering lectures on core topics, including front-end development (Angular, JavaScript) and backend development (NodeJS, Express JS), to a cumulative total of over 50 Aptech students, over a 6-month period. · I organized and conducted tech lab sessions to facilitate hands-on learning and application of technological concepts in software development. These sessions record a 100% learning success rate.

My Projects

Navigate to the next project by using the arrow.

This website focuses on the data visualization of football data, including sentiment analysis derived from news data for five football teams, actual match results, and forecasts produced using AWS SageMaker.

Click here to access more projects on my GitHub page


Contact Me


Hassan Yusuff

Software Developer

Email: hassanyusuff670@gmail.com






@2023 Portfolio.